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2005-03-01 - 2:18 p.m.

Article from the Salt Lake Tribune

Girl Scout camp: A development is planned near the grounds that have served generations of Utahns.

By Christopher Smart The Salt Lake Tribune

Since the 1930s, Utah Girl Scouts have trekked to Camp Cloud Rim to learn what it's like to maneuver a canoe across a mountain lake, make s'mores around a campfire and snuggle in a tent amid wild and spooky sounds. But now Girl Scout officials worry that the camp, tucked high in the Wasatch Mountains between Brighton and Park City, could lose its alpine ambience. Looming in the future is a planned upscale development on Bonanza Flats that would rival Deer Valley, leaving secluded Camp Cloud Rim in the midst of a ritzy resort. "It's a perfect place for us. It's secure and beautiful," said Elaine Gaus, CEO of Girl Scouts of Utah. "The heritage of Camp Cloud Rim can't be overstated. It has been life changing for generations of girls." Although development plans for Bonanza Flats look to be two to five years away, the Girl Scouts have scheduled a series of public meetings to inform members of the potential for big changes in the area. And they are hoping to get suggestions from Girl Scouts and their parents. "We want to let people know what's happening," Gaus said. "And we want to get a general feel for what our membership thinks." The Talisker Corp. of Toronto got development rights on Bonanza Flats when it acquired controlling interest in United Park City Mines in 2003. The mining company earlier had secured preliminary approval from Wasatch County for a development that included a golf course, hotel and 280 housing units, among other amenities. It's a matter of when, not if, Talisker will build on the land just south of the Guardsman Pass Road above Park City, said spokesman Dave Smith. "One of the reasons we acquired United Park was to build on Bonanza," he said. The Canadian company is presently occupied with building its Empire Canyon project adjacent to Deer Valley, as well as a development called Tuhaye on the eastern shores of Jordanelle Reservoir. No start date has been set for the Bonanza project. But Talisker representatives have briefed the Scouts on their plans for Bonanza Flats, Smith said. "We have a terrific dialogue with the Girl Scouts, and we won't leave them on the back burner." Although building won't begin for several years, the Girl Scouts should begin discussing options for Camp Cloud Rim, said Gaus. "There are a number of concerns: What would the program look like with neighbors? What are the safety concerns during construction? What will be the impact on the total ambience?" The town meetings are designed to give the public a better look at Talisker's plans and how they will impact Camp Cloud Rim, she said. "We want to talk to the membership about it and see what, if anything, is our next step."

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Article on Cloud Rim from the Salt L akeTribune - 2005-03-01